Why Do We Care About Tattoo Aftercare?

Tattoo Aftercare is the technique of the best care for your tattoo in order to ensure the longevity of your ink. Whether you are taking care of a new ink or just getting a new tattoo, you need to know exactly what you're doing.

InkGodz Tattoos can be a beautiful thing, but they also require a lot of upkeep and attention. If you're not careful, your tattoo might end up looking worse than it did before you got it. 

Here are a 4 reasons why we take aftercare so seriously:

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1. The pigment in tattoos can be very sensitive to the environment, causing infections and redness if not treated correctly. By keeping your tattoo clean and well-hydrate, you’re ensuring that the pigment is able to stay healthy and vibrant.

2. Tattoos can also be prone to allergic reactions, especially in people who are sensitive to certain ingredients in ink or skin products. Following the proper aftercare protocol will help you avoid any negative reactions from your tattoo.

3. Poorly taken care of tattoos can lead to aesthetic issues over time, such as fading or discoloration. By following our recommended aftercare routine, you’ll help prevent these problems from occurring.

4. In some cases, tattoos may require special treatments in order to remove them completely without damaging the skin beneath them. If you opt for a permanent tattoo, be sure to discuss all of your options with your artist beforehand so that they know what will happen if anything goes wrong during the procedure!