What You Need To Know About Self Tanning Water

Self tanning water is a popular way to achieve a bronzed skin tone. It's easy to use, and you can get great results in just a few hours. Here's what you need to know about self tanning water:

1. Choose the right type of self tanning water. There are two main types of self bronze water: spray-on and lotion. Spray-on self tanner is easier to use, but lotion self tanner provides a more gradual color distribution.

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2. Prep your skin before using self tanning water. Make sure your skin is clean and dry before using self tanning water. Apply moisturizer if needed.

3. Applying the self tanner properly is key to getting great results with self tanning water. Use a light mist to evenly apply the product to your skin. Avoid applying too much pressure when applying the product; this will result in uneven application and inaccurate color results.

4. Allow the product to dry before dressing or leaving the house. This will help avoid streaking and uneven color development on your skin . 

5. Remember to sun protect yourself while using self tanning water. Always use sunscreen when sunbathing and applying self tanner. 

Using self tanning water is a great way to get a bronzed skin tone without the hassle of applying lotions and creams. Just be sure to apply the product correctly and protect your skin from the sun while using a self tanner.