What Treatments Do Dermatologists Use For Acne?

Acne is a common skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by the presence of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and other lesions on the skin. Fortunately, acne can be treated effectively by dermatologists, who have a variety of treatments available. 

Topical Treatments.

Topical treatments are topical creams, gels, and ointments applied directly to the skin. These treatments may contain antibiotics, retinoids, and other medications that help reduce inflammation and bacteria, and unclog pores. Some topical treatments also help reduce oil production, which can also help reduce acne. 

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Oral Treatments.

Oral treatments are taken as pills or tablets and are used to treat acne from the inside out. They are typically antibiotics, but can also be hormones, such as birth control pills, which can help reduce acne. Other types of oral treatments include isotretinoin, which is an oral retinoid that can help reduce the severity of acne. 

Laser Treatments

Laser treatments are used to treat severe acne, especially acne that is resistant to other treatments. Laser treatments can help reduce inflammation and bacteria, and also reduce the appearance of scars. The most common types of laser treatments are pulsed dye lasers and fractional lasers. 


Injections are used to treat cystic acne, which is a severe form of acne that is characterized by large, painful cysts. Injections can help reduce the size of the cysts and reduce inflammation. The most commonly used injection is corticosteroid, but other medications can also be used.