How Do You Identify Mbti Personality Types?

Myers-Briggs is a personality assessment tool that was created by Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers. The assessment measures four different dimensions of personality: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Type, Intuition, Thinking, and Feeling.

Each dimension has two letters (e.g., ISTJ for Intuition/Thinking/ Sensing). People are usually assigned to one of 16 types based on how they score in each dimension.  You can also search online to take a personality test via iCareer Test.

There are also eight "extroverted" types and eight "introverted" types, which are the opposite of the default.

There are 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, which are based on four dichotomies: Introversion vs. Extraversion, Thinking vs. Feeling, Sensing vs. Intuition, and Judging vs. Perceiving. Each person is a combination of two of these dichotomies and can be identified using the MBTI questionnaire.

Introverted Sensing people are more analytical and tend to value facts and details over feelings. They are also good with logistics and planning.

 Extraverted Thinking people are more creative and imaginative and prefer to use their intuition in decision making. They value abstraction and imagination over concrete data. 

Extroverted Feeling people are more compassionate and nurturing than the other three types, they also have strong convictions about right and wrong, which can lead them to make quick decisions based on their gut feeling rather than analysis or intuition.

Judging people make decisions based on rules set by society or tradition while Perceiving people rely more on their own personal values to guide them in making decisions.