Things To Keep In Mind While Choosing A Vinyl Tent

When you purchase a vinyl tent you will be worried about weight. One of the heavier components of the vinyl tent is the pole. All high-end tents utilize aluminum sticks. They are all about the thickness of a pencil and amazingly mild. The rods comprise of little, packable sections that maintain the length of a jolt together. Vinyl tents can be used in many different ways. You can buy the best quality vinyl tents by clicking at:  Vinyl General Purpose Large Tent (GP Large 18′ X 52′)

The rod is fairly easy to repair with good old duct tape, but it can split into the air at night.  If you can handle the additional weight, go with fiberglass.


When weight is a concern, you might believe the amount of poles is modest, but not necessarily so. The sticks are for the most part, which provide structural integrity into your tent. A tent with quite low poles will flicker.

Years back I went camping with some rock climbers. We put up a tent in a meadow that seemed perfect at the moment. Finally, a rod broke and the entire thing just dropped on us. We thought about getting up for approximately two seconds, adjusting the pole, and setting up the tent again in the dark, pouring rain and wind, but decided, to do this with it! We slept the remaining tents of the night on our own, dry and warm, and fairly comfortable.

Many good high-end vinyl tents have inner tie points. If you encounter a very severe storm, then you may produce a meshwork of diagonal cords within the tent. They're a significant hassle since it makes it impossible to maneuver to the tent, but in a really major storm, they can help save you from having to deal with bent rods or a torn tent. High altitude climbers have to do this all of the time.