Part Time Babysitting Jobs

Babysitting jobs are, or at least were, normally associated with dear old grandmothers who live across the street, or your neighbor's teenage daughter who needed a little spending money to build her record collection and buy hair accessories and new earrings. If you are looking for a best babysitting jobs for teens visit

Nowadays, however, college students, divorcees, laid-off executives, and failed dot-com entrepreneurs are taking part-time babysitting jobs to make ends meet and give themselves economic breathing room while they try to grow or resurrect their careers. 

Some babysitting jobs can be quite lucrative if the hourly rate is high and there is a chance for doing overtime work or even overnight work. Some jobs can turn into nanny positions, and other babysitting jobs can simply help the babysitter access a new network of social and professional contacts.

Babysitters with a head for business can even turn their babysitting jobs into target markets for new products or services. An observant babysitter can spot if the parents are in need of someone to do home repairs, lawn work, cleaning, bulk cooking, tutoring, sewing, event catering, or even snow shoveling. 

As she builds trust and rapport with the parents, she can establish her reputation within the community, build her network of contacts, and even test market prototypes of new products she might design.

Babysitting jobs are ideal in today's topsy-turvy job market, as they allow flexibility, mobility, networking opportunities, and payments that are usually in cash. Babysitting is needed everywhere, so even if a babysitter finds herself in a new town, she will usually be able to land a few new babysitting jobs relatively quickly.