Aluminum Dog Boxes – Features and Style Choices

Dog boxes made of aluminum are available in a variety of designs and sizes. Which box will best suit your needs depends on your goals, your needs and of course the size of your dog. Anyone who deals with dogs, whether a professional K-9 guide or just starting out as a guide, will need these boxes.

The "alu dog box" (also known as "alu hundebox" in the German languge)  is made of strong diamond-protected aluminum and should have sufficient headroom, ventilation openings and even storage space. Aluminum dog crates can be designed for one dog or even have double or even triple compartments to accommodate multiple dogs. There are aluminum dog crates designed for ATV riders and even motorbikes. So if you want to take your dog for a walk, there's no need to use a pickup truck.

Aluminum dog crates can vary from the very simple to the more complex. Box styles are constantly changing, with new innovations being added every day. Dog crates are not just for professional K-9 guides who use rescue dogs or are used by law enforcement agencies, but for all types of dog lovers, especially those who use their dogs for show or have hunting dogs.

Folding box

Another type of aluminum dog crate is the one that is not only convenient but also economical, the dog crate. There are many box options for larger dog breeds like the Lab or for smaller dogs like the Beagle. This type of box folds easily, making it great for seasonal storage or transportation. 

Storage compartment

Some aluminum dog boxes even have storage space in the top compartment on either side of the device. This is a Big-T feature that provides plenty of room for the dog as well as storage space. The lids are double so you can easily access the box storage space on the side of the truck. Once opened, the lid is firmly fixed with a gas pressure spring.